People these days want insights about the products they buy – where is it from, who made it and under what conditions. At Pure Origin Coffee, we value transparency and accountability above all else, and that’s why we’re proud to share all the details about our coffee. One point of pride is our close relationship with our growers, whose stories we would like to share with you today. We call these farm direct stories, and they’re one way that we better serve our customers and growers, alike.

For us, it’s all about empowerment. Each of our coffees supports a unique and impactful cause around the world. That way, you can choose your favorite flavor or your favorite cause. No matter what you do, you’ll be making a real difference in the lives of our growers.

At the moment, we have six empowerment option:

Here’s a brief explanation of what each of these entails so you can see how these farm direct stories help create a more sustainable coffee market.

Environmental empowerment

Our Peruvian coffee gives back in a huge way – by helping to heal that country’s scarce and polluted waterways. This light roast with nutty notes benefits Todos Al Agua, a group that combats water contamination, deforestation, and more. Each purchase goes towards developing workshops to focus on water consumption and soil management, as well as the installation of eco-mill systems and more.

Health empowerment

On the other hand, our Kenyan coffee helps save the lives of women throughout Africa. The light roast with wine notes benefits Grounds for Health, a group that provides cervical cancer screening for women who would usually go without. With your support, we can help reduce the incidences of cervical cancer, increase access to care, maintain sustainability, and more.

Women empowerment

Conversely, our Colombian coffee helps support gender equality in the remote regions of the country. This fruity medium roast benefits the Las Rosas project, helping over 550 women gain training in the typically male-dominated coffee trade. For instance, a portion of every sale helps women in the region gain access to credit, aids with low incomes, and provides education in the field of coffee.

Peace empowerment

Our Congolese coffee helps keep the peace in Africa. The dark roast with notes of citrus benefits Mighty Peace, a group that helps empower more than 9,000 men and women in post-conflict zones throughout the country. Every sale helps create apprenticeship trades, conserve protected forested areas, and build education for growers.

Small business empowerment

Our Honduran coffee helps out the small farms that just want the chance to have a large impact. This medium roasts with notes of caramel supports small, family-owned lots, which are most vulnerable to environmental fluctuations and financial instability. Together, we can help these farmers with their struggles against poverty, malnutrition, hurricanes, and more.

Education empowerment

Finally, our Indonesian coffee gives our growers in the region the tools they need to succeed. The dark roast with chocolate notes benefits KSU. Item Reje Gayo, teaching them cultivation techniques and harvesting methods for their coffee. To this end, every purchase helps provide financial assistance for growers, aids crop rehabilitation through fair wages, and more.

At Pure Origin, we remain committed to giving back to the planet! Give us a try, because you shouldn’t have to choose between ethical, sustainable living and a flavorful cup of coffee!

Thank you for empowering growers at origin! With every story read, cup poured, and coffee sipped – you’re connecting with the world.
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